Our commitment to the environment

Our commitment

Supporting the transition to renewable energy and providing power for a greener future is fundamental to our business.

The services that we provide have an immediate impact on emissions and often form crucial elements of our customer’s corporate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) plans or personal ambitions to reduce their impact on the environment.

The systems that we have installed and maintain are helping to save 1,000s of tonnes of CO2 a year, but this isn’t enough. Inspired by the passion of our team and our customers, we’re looking to limit the impact of our operations and deliver additional benefits for the environment and the local community.

In 2023 we achieved ISO 14001 to help us reduce our impact and we are committed to continuing to improve the sustainability and social responsibility of Geo Green Power.

Green procurement

We are passionate about our reputation and the products that we provide and install for our customers. Our supply chain consists only of tier one panels that are insurance backed, with some of the longest warranties available in the industry. When selecting panel manufacturers we are driven by high quality, affordability and environmental considerations.

In 2024 we became signatories of the Solar Energy UK Supply Chain Statement to underline our support and commitment to developing an industry that promotes the highest possible levels of transparency, including in areas of environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and good governance.

Our fleet

Our installation team operates nationwide, and we have a fleet of vans to facilitate their travel to site and the transport of some materials. The operation of this fleet is our largest emitter of harmful emissions and CO2 and as such we are focused on reducing its impact.

We have stopped purchasing new diesel vehicles for our fleet and will stop purchasing petrol vehicles from 1 January 2025, a commitment we made on Clean Air Day 2023.

Our vehicles are checked on a weekly basis and regular service and maintenance keeps them running as efficiently as possible

Our installation teams are organised on geographical location and skill set and we ensure the most local team are assigned to each installation

We ship materials directly to site to prevent unnecessary travel

When it makes sense, members of our team share transport to and from site

We arrange local accommodation to reduce travel for our team when necessary

Business travel

Our fleet of company cars is wholly made up of fully electric vehicles or plug-in hybrid vehicles.

We will not purchase a petrol or diesel car.

Where possible our team car share.

End of product life

In the United Kingdom, PV CYCLE – the collective take-back and recycling scheme for PV panels – operates a PV-focused Producer Compliance Scheme and the only PV Distributor Take-back scheme, providing full compliance services under WEEE Regulations for UK-based PV businesses.

Our suppliers are members of the PV Cycle Scheme. Our panels are marked with the WEEE symbol promoting responsible end-of-life recycling.

Electronic devices, such as laptops, are given as long a life in the business as possible before being disposed of through a BATRRT and WEEE approved provider.

Office consumables

We are actively looking to reduce single use plastic and limit waste at our offices.


  • We have switched to refillable cleaning products and bathroom supplies
  • We have moved to electronic customer files
  • We are investigating alternatives to move all of our processes to paper-free

Waste management

We are committed to diverting as much as our waste away from landfill as possible.

Site waste is collected by registered contractors who are committed to recycling and repurposing the waste they collect.

Waste generated at our stores and offices is sorted into general waste and recycling.

Tree planting

In June 2023 we committed to planting a tree for every customer quote we produce and wanted to plant over 1,000 a year.

We are currently planting well over 100 trees a month through the treeapp scheme.

We Plant A Tree For Every Quote We Produce

Did you know you can support reforestation efforts with Geo Green Power? We’ll plant one tree for every quote we produce! Simply request a free quote and we’ll take care of the rest.

Our own solar PV generation and EV charging facilities

In 2012 Geo Green Power moved into purpose-built premises heated with a ground source heat pump and installed with a 45kW solar PV array. EV charging facilities were added in 2020.  

In 2023 we outgrew these premises, moving to a separate warehouse unit and offices at Bradmore Business Park. We are currently planning the installation of a 50kW solar PV to help power our offices and the EV chargers we had installed when we moved in.  


We are committed to constantly improving our ESG plans and activity, and our focus on environmental responsibility is a key element.  

Working within the green economy is important to our team, and we actively seek their ideas to help us improve the sustainability of our own business.

Plans and progress are shared through our Team Days and regular formal and informal communication channels.

Experts in renewable energy

Produce your own clean energy with solar power & battery storage solutions for optimal results

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